Sunday, November 2, 2008

We’re Interrupting Their Dysfunction

Your partnership with Master's Commission Brasil is literally interrupting the cycles of dysfunction in the lives of hundreds of children every week. It's like this: the realities of racism and discrimination here in Brasil are significant considering the vast majority of people living in some of the world's ugliest and most dangerous slums are of African descent… in other words, they're black!

Although the typical Brazilian would argue the issue of racism and discrimination, mostly based on their personal feelings regarding race and ethnicity, the overwhelming fact is clear that these social ills exist in abundance despite their denials. And it would take less than 30 seconds to prove my point. Simply look around. Who is driving cars and who is pulling recycle wagons through the streets? Who is sitting in offices and who is sweeping the streets for less than $2 a day? – Advertising billboards silently remind people at every glance what "tone" is most important. Take a peek into any restaurant and you'll almost never see a "black" couple enjoying the savors of Brazilian cuisine. And to help any of you get beyond my definition of racism; let's simply call it "a black child's reality". Ok? Forget my use of the word "racism".

So what's the point? Is it to prove that Brazilians are racists and segregationist? Nope! That's not the point. The point is that millions of children growing up in Brazilian slums have not only the curse of poverty to contend with, but the fact that they are Black makes their likelihood of escaping the cycles of dysfunction even more impossible, if not for God. And that's where Crianças com uma Promessa is working to make a difference.

Through the Crianças com uma Promessa program, we are working to transform the lives of children in the poorest communities of Brazil. Our focus on helping children transcend the cycles of limited opportunity is accomplished through developing them into morally grounded, English speaking, and academically accomplished young adults. The fact that they are Black is inconsequential to our commitment to working with the poorest children in the Brazil… we'd do the same if they were all white children; but the reality is that they're not. And we are attempting to describe this social reality with you because we desperately need your help and the willingness to acknowledge that our world is filled with historical proof that racism is real; and that together for these children we can make a difference.

A Strategy that Equalizes

A central part of the Crianças com uma Promessa program provides children the opportunity to learn English from our native speaking interns. These are children who without a solid education or college degree are destined to repeat the cruel cycles of poverty and dysfunction associated with poor communities. We believe that by learning English children will be able to take advantage of surging employment opportunities through their ability to speak English as a second language.

Can we count on you to support our ministry every month? – With the question of destructive racism in Brasil, I am very much up to a debate; but that debate must take place here in Brasil; in the middle of a real favela (slum) where we are going to be escorted by gun-toting mostly Black teenagers willing to allow you the opportunity of visiting their reality. – Oh, there's no need to be afraid… they won't hurt us… they're our English students.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bem Vindo! Sarah from Newfoundland, Canad

Although we are still awaiting the arrival of our American students who are working through their visa processes, we are very excited to receive Sarah Hillman from Cornerbrook, Newfoundland - Canada.

Sarah is 20 years old and has recently visited Mozambique, Africa. Earlier this year she made her first visit to Brasil on a short missions trip to the Sao Paulo area.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stepfather causes pregnancy in 10 year old girl

A television news station recently reported on a 10 year old girl who had become pregnant by her stepfather. The report explained that only when she reached her seventh month in the pregnancy that people became aware of the problem.

Although a pregnancy for a child so young is hardly "normal", the sexual abuse among children is wide spread, especially in slum communities where there are high levels of alcohol, drugs and gangs. It's also typical for fathers to be absent in families that are forced to survive in the slums.

Please pray for children who are being sexually abused in Brazil and the rest of the world.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Life is a Miracle

I love Master´s Commission not because Master's Commission is all that; because it's not. But I love Master's because God has used this ministry to bring healing, hope and great people that had the courage to love me even when I didn´t love myself. God has used the people in Master's Commission to break the curses, strongholds, and the lies of the hater and enemy of God. In Master's Commission I have been given the opportunity to dream and believe I can be somebody and that I am called to make a difference in this dying and decaying world.

I am a third year (staff) of Master's Commision now and I don´t even know where to start to explaining you all the things God has done in my life. I am being prepared and allowed to grow in my relationship and understanding of who God is, which is now God is giving me the honor and privilegde to preach the Gospel all over the world. I am grateful for the opportunities I've had to share the love, mercy, grace, restoration, healing power of God to a lost world as I traveled to Africa twice and then to Europe, Asis, Oceania, Peru. I am thankful and honored to represent Jesus as my Savior and Master's Commisison wherever I go.

I am looking forward to the future. God has changed the life of an ex-street boy who was addicted to drugs, prostitution, alcohol, gangster life. That was my life and destiny, but God changed all of that now and I am excited to live the plan and purposes of God as it continues to unfold in my life.

I have been asked to preach in Guatemala, Chile, Uruguay, Sudan in December. I am praying and hoping God will take me to Sudan because my heart is to be a full time misionary in Africa.

God is good and a life changer!!! The miracle of my life is more than abundant proof.

Discipleship Training Does Make A Difference!

Master's Commission has been for me a vehicle that God has used to bless me and to enable and train me for what he has for planned for my life. Through dramas and building healthy relationships, God is teaching me several things like dealing openly with people and how to speak to a large audience.

In Master's Commission I have learned that relationship determines results and I have seen this happening in my life. For example: I had the opportunity to go the northeast of Brazil (The poorest region in Brazil). It is a dry place and between 6 and 9 months the people there don´t see rain. Only in this region there are more than 14 thousand villages that have not been reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe this is why you see the misery and the lack of workers to preach the Gospel. All the dramas and all the tools that I have learned in Master's Commission helped me to preach and share the Gospel where people had never heard it before or heard the word of God.

Another opportunity that God has given to me through my experience in Master's Commission is the ability to now host a weekly radio show about missions in the world. The name of the talk show is "Debate about Mision" and this talk show has reached over 1 million people and is also reaching prisons in Campinas, São Paulo. It reaches 5 different cities and we have seen people accepting Jesus Christ and also followers of Jesus deciding to be sold out for missions. Through the radio show God has given the honor and privilegde to preach in Churches and also teach the youth groups what I am learning in Master's and challenge them about what it means to live a pure life.

Blessings to all of you that are investing your finances and prayers in to this ministry that is making a difference in people's lives. - Edie Augosto - 2nd Year MC Brasil Student

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Responds to Our Faithfulness

My heart is overflowing with gratitude because of the ability to have seen the supernatural power of God while being in Master’s Commission.

During this season of learning the disciplines of being a disciple of Christ, I’ve learned how to truly trust in God all the time in spite of many problems and difficulties in my family. My heart was overwhelmed and my mind constantly fought back confusion and fear as I watched my mom suffering in her body, her marriage falling apart and my family being literally destroyed with bitterness and unforgiveness.

But it was during this very difficult time that I finally made my decision to completely release myself and my family to the hands of God. What else could I do? For many years I had easily said I trusted God, but now was the time for this to be true in my life. – And as I did, the miracles of God began to happen. As I made it my focus to faithfully serve God, he began to show me how he was already taking care of my family. Wow! It has been amazing.

Since making that single decision, I have seen the restoration of my mom’s marriage, the salvation of my stepfather, my mom’s body being wonderfully healed and my family becoming reunited in love. All of these things came as a result of God’s answer to my prayers and decision to focus my life on serving him. He really is my refuge, my strength and my hope. - Suelem Maraiza Santos – MC Brasil 2nd Year Student