Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Responds to Our Faithfulness

My heart is overflowing with gratitude because of the ability to have seen the supernatural power of God while being in Master’s Commission.

During this season of learning the disciplines of being a disciple of Christ, I’ve learned how to truly trust in God all the time in spite of many problems and difficulties in my family. My heart was overwhelmed and my mind constantly fought back confusion and fear as I watched my mom suffering in her body, her marriage falling apart and my family being literally destroyed with bitterness and unforgiveness.

But it was during this very difficult time that I finally made my decision to completely release myself and my family to the hands of God. What else could I do? For many years I had easily said I trusted God, but now was the time for this to be true in my life. – And as I did, the miracles of God began to happen. As I made it my focus to faithfully serve God, he began to show me how he was already taking care of my family. Wow! It has been amazing.

Since making that single decision, I have seen the restoration of my mom’s marriage, the salvation of my stepfather, my mom’s body being wonderfully healed and my family becoming reunited in love. All of these things came as a result of God’s answer to my prayers and decision to focus my life on serving him. He really is my refuge, my strength and my hope. - Suelem Maraiza Santos – MC Brasil 2nd Year Student

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates! It's wonderful to see the pictures too! (Hi Michelle!)